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20 imagesNINE BOWL 2016: Perfect Season per gli Sharks Palermo, che vincendo a Cesena contro i Knights Persiceto per 36 a 22 si aggiudicano lo scudetto di III divisione. American football final game between Sharks Palermo and Knights Persiceto held at Manuzzi Stadium in Cesena. The match ended up with the Sharks Palermo becoming the victorious team with the final score of 36-22. Sharks Palermo are NineBowl 2016 champions in Italian III division.
10 imagesSemifinale: Sharks Palermo vs Steelers Terni 35-6 American football game between Sharks Palermo and Steelers Terni held at Favazza Stadium in Terrasini (Pa). The match ended up with the Sharks Palermo becoming the victorious team with the final score of 35-6.
10 imagesQuarti di Finale: Sharks Palermo vs Mad Bulls Barletta 43-12 American football game between Sharks Palermo and Mad Bulls Barletta held at Ribolla Calcio. The match ended up with the Sharks Palermo becoming the victorious team with the final score of 43-12.
10 imagesSharks Palermo - Expert Achei Crotone allo Stadio Comunale Favazza di Terrasini. American football game between Sharks Palermo vs Expert Achei Crotone held at Municipal Stadium Favazza in Terrasini. The match ended up with the Sharks Palermo as the victorious team with the final score of 69-6.
10 imagesSharks Palermo vittoriosi per 52 a 0 contro Highlanders Catanzaro allo Stadio Comunale Favazza di Terrasini. American Football: Sharks Palermo vs Highlanders Catanzaro 52-0.