Casini Pier Ferdinando { 5 images } Created 3 Dec 2016
Pier Ferdinando Casini (Bologna, 3 dicembre 1955) è stato Presidente della Camera dei deputati nella XIV Legislatura. Attualmente è Presidente della Commissione Esteri del Senato. Riveste anche il ruolo di presidente onorario dell'unione interparlamentare e di presidente dell'Internazionale Democratica Centrista.
Pier Ferdinando Casini (born 3 December 1955) is an Italian politician.[1] He was President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies from 2001 to 2006.[2] Casini is currently Honorific President of the Centrist Democrat International and Honorary President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), and formerly was majority faction leader of the Union of the Centre (UdC).
Pier Ferdinando Casini (born 3 December 1955) is an Italian politician.[1] He was President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies from 2001 to 2006.[2] Casini is currently Honorific President of the Centrist Democrat International and Honorary President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), and formerly was majority faction leader of the Union of the Centre (UdC).